Tuesday, 10 June 2014


Lesbians, Lezza's, Dykes, Rug Munchers, Lettuce Lickers, Gays...funny isn't it how many words there are to describe something so simple. 

Are there a handful of different words to describe a straight couple...no of course not!

It strikes me that as we are firmly into the 21st century and we have overcome some huge obstacles in regards to same sex couples now being able to legally marry in the UK, we are still very much behind the times and clearly some groups, organisations and people are really struggling with the concept that "Normal" just doesn't exist!!!

We live in a world where we have single mums, teen mums, single dads, divorced parenting, twice and even three times divorced! This is ok, this is never brought to the public attention, never shamed for breaking vows you swore of staying together for richer for poorer etc. Why? Because its "normal", its life, people fall out of love and as a world we have learnt to respect that.

However - if i walk down the street holding my girlfriends hand, this is a completely different situation... People stare, make remarks, people whistle, shout things like "lesbians!" ( yes very original! ) ( I'd like to add that no, not everyone does this, but probably more than you would think!)

So is this acceptable behaviour, I'd say no?!

Honestly I could go on, and on, and on with this topic but it would get rather boring!

From speaking to friends i know that certain things annoy people differently. It seems the most hated phrase is... "you can't be a lesbian...you don't look like one!" ARGH I hate it!

The problem is that people have stereotype's in their head of what they think a lesbian looks like, short hair, covered in tattoos/piercings, baggy jeans, the list is apparently endless!

I am what is described as a "lipstick lesbian, or a Femme " all that means is that I appear very feminine - i wear dresses, heels, make up - I can be perceived as being hetrosexual because of my appearance.

Lesbians look at you like you do not belong. Straight men try their very best to convince you that if you sleep with them, they'll open your eyes to what you've been missing and will be instantly converted. And straight women aren't sure whether they should behave the same way with you as they do with their other friends. Can they still talk about the men they fancy, their conquests etc. 

Short of tattooing "lesbian" on my forehead, there isn't really much I can do to make it obvious. However, the point is that we should not have to change our physical appearance to be viewed as gay. But people also shouldn't feel that they cannot be true to themselves for fear of what people might think, or say or even do!

Some of you will read this and probably completely disagree, others may ponder the idea...either way these are completely my own personal views :-)